
Energy Web introduces the AutoGreenCharge beta app to decarbonize charging with renewable energy

Energy Web introduces the AutoGreenCharge beta app to decarbonize charging with renewable energy


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Energy Web's groundbreaking application enables electric vehicle owners to carry out carbon-neutral charging by using renewable energy sources.

Energy Web is pleased to announce the beta launch of AutoGreenCharge, a mobile application revolutionizing the decarbonization of electric vehicle (EV) charging. With AutoGreenCharge, users can ensure that every EV charging session uses the power of renewable energy. The app is aimed at owners of leading electric vehicle brands such as Tesla, BMW and Mercedes and unlocks the potential of sustainable charging to a mainstream global user base.

AutoGreenCharge leverages the decentralized power of EnergywebX from Energy Web and powered by the Polkadot blockchain. It provides a straightforward, secure and verifiable approach to ensuring EV charging goes beyond pure electricity and makes a commitment to 100% renewable energy. By integrating Renewable Energy Certificates (RECs), the application seamlessly matches EV charging with clean energy sources, ensuring real-time verification of green charging practices. During the beta phase, users can explore the app's essential features and get a first-hand look at the future of electric vehicle charging.

AutoGreenCharge enables electric vehicle owners to seamlessly integrate their journeys through collaboration with Smart Car. Every charge is fully recorded as the connection is established, providing users with detailed analysis of their energy consumption and environmental footprint. As the application fully rolls out, users will be able to withdraw genuine renewable energy certificates each time they charge, ensuring their vehicles are powered by clean, sustainable energy sources. Additionally, users can customize their preferences regarding the type and location of renewable energy, providing tailored access to solar, wind and other clean energy sources worldwide.

Mani Hagh Sefat, CTO of Energy Web, said: “AutoGreenCharge represents a major step forward in the electrification and decarbonization of transportation. By providing electric vehicle owners a seamless way to ensure their cars are charged with renewable energy, we enable Drivers to make more sustainable decisions and actively contribute to the global energy transition.”

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AutoGreenCharge's synergy with the Polkadot blockchain guarantees that every transaction and certificate withdrawal is carefully logged and verifiable, strengthening transparency and trust within the ecosystem. This innovative app represents a significant step forward in creating a more robust, efficient and sustainable energy ecosystem.

With the beta version now live, electric vehicle owners are urged to download the AutoGreenCharge app and participate in this groundbreaking initiative. The app is easily accessible in the TestFlight Apple and Google Play Stores. As the app approaches full production launch, users will play a critical role in fine-tuning its features and shaping the future of sustainable charging solutions.