
Investigations and rewards for uncovering serious voting irregularities by non-citizens

Williams Perdomo

The Fair Election Fund, a nationwide organization that monitors election integrity, announced that it will launch an investigation into non-citizen voting rights in seven key states – Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, North Carolina, Nevada, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin.

“This investigation will help ensure the integrity of our elections by identifying ineligible voters and.” and called on state officials to remove her from the voter database,” the organization said in a statement.

The Fair Election Fund said the research will compare responses to jury subpoenas in the 10 most populous counties in each of the seven key states to their voter rolls to confirm eligibility to vote.

“If a person refuses a jury subpoena because of their citizenship or immigration status but is eligible to vote or has voted in the past, that is a clear example of voter fraud. If one of these cases occurs, we would…I will find her and notify state authorities immediately.” said the Fair Election Fund.

The investigation began in late September and is expected to be announced first findings in mid-October.

States like Texas and Virginia recently conducted their own analysis of state voter rolls and found thousands of non-citizens who were registered or had voted in an election,” the organization said.

Department of Justice

Doug Collins, a former congressman from Georgia, is a senior adviser to the Fair Election Fund. He claimed that the integrity of elections depends on accuracy and precision Transparency of the voter list.

“Election integrity efforts depend on the accuracy and reliability of our voter databases. We have seen states like Texas and Virginia remove non-citizens from their voter rolls, and other states should follow suit. Although verifying voter rolls and conducting cross-checks is a thankless task, it is essential work. “The Fair Election Fund is ready to meet this challenge to prevent illegals from voting and ensure that every vote cast belongs to a U.S. citizen and resident of this state,” Collins said.

The Fair Election Fund, founded in May 2024, said it recently paid out $25,000 in rewards to concerned citizens in Nevada who reported first-hand reports of alleged pressure from union leaders in their state their members to vote in a certain way.

“The group is also investigating the Democratic donor platform ActBlue, which is tracking suspect Biden and Harris campaign fundraising numbers. The group's first phase of analysis identified over 60,000 potential fraud cases, which were turned over to the attorneys general in Alabama, Nebraska, Kansas, Virginia, Tennessee and Texas to continue their own investigations,” the group said.