
The Dare LWV Ed Board forum highlights similarities and differences

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When six candidates for the Dare County Board of Education answered questions from the audience at a Dare County League of Women Voters forum on Sept. 30, there was widespread agreement.

All candidates took time to thank Dare District Commissioners for the additional package they provided to district teachers, although the issue of pay came up again and again in the responses. In North Carolina, the base salary of all teachers is set by the legislature.

“I think the one thing we really need to focus on is improving the salaries of our teachers and the ability of our teachers to live comfortably here and teach our children,” District 4 candidate Kenny Brite (R) said. in his closing remarks. In this competition Brite will face Heather Euler (D), who was unable to take part.

Candidate Melissa Zehner (D), who is running as the at-large candidate against incumbent board chairman David Twiddy (R), pointed out that teacher salaries are higher in neighboring states Virginia and South Carolina.

Throughout the evening, all of the candidates repeatedly mentioned teacher salaries and the importance of keeping staff retention a top priority.

A question asked about the Opportunity Scholarship Program, a federally funded K-12 scholarship that allows parents to enroll their children in a private school — not necessarily a charter school — with public school funds, was vehemently opposed by most candidates.

District 2 candidate Haley Carey (D) said the Opportunity Scholarship “refers to the school voucher program to provide funding for families or students to attend private schools in our state at the expense of what would otherwise have been provided by public schools…I do not do that .” believe that the Opportunity Scholarship should be funded with public money.”

Her response was largely consistent with Twiddy's response, which stated: “They…take money from public education to accomplish this…If they take the money from public education, that means the Department of Public Education doesn't have the money.” “Give it to every school district.”

Justin Bateman (right), who is running unopposed in District 1, was equally emphatic.

“I do not support the voucher program in any way…I want to see…our tax dollars go into our school system to improve…everyone it can benefit,” he said.

Addressing this issue, District 2 candidate Lisa Lloyd (R) told the audience that she has taught in public and private schools, saying, “I'm short on both sides of the house, I guess you could say, but I see have advantages in it.” [the Opportunity Scholarship].”

When forum moderator Courtney Gallop was asked to discuss her three priorities, differences emerged between the candidates.

“We know there are mental health issues in this district,” Twiddy said.

Zehner pointed to early childhood education, stating, “It reduces inequities in communities and creates a foundation for children…Children who attend preschool programs do better.” And the more we can provide that, the more we relieve the burden on parents of child care and making our community healthier and better,” she said.

While there is ongoing debate over whether Dare County Schools should feed all children free, Carey discussed the importance of nutrition and education.

“Nutrient-dense foods and abundantly available foods are two ways to … meet a basic requirement,” she said. “Before a student can even enter the classroom, they must be fed something that is filling and nutritious.”

Her opponent, Lloyd, said a return to basics was necessary.

“It may sound pretty simple, but I think one focus that I would like to see, and I'm not 100 percent sure, is a basic, foundational education for all of our students. “All of our students have a right to… reading, writing and arithmetic,” she said.

“It will be accommodation for the teachers,” Brite replied to the question.

Bateman addressed the issue of teachers' mental health in his response.

“I'm a big supporter of teacher mental health… I think teachers need an option… There has to be a line item somewhere in the budget for teachers to be able to do that [meet] with some kind of professional mental health service.”

The Dare County League of Women Voters provides additional information about the local and national candidates on its League of Women Voters of Dare County website (